2012 was a great year for the Asian Pacific community, but there’s always more to accomplish. For 2013, we wish for…
1. A return to 2011’s Chinatown–International District parking rates. While the rest of Seattle can afford increased parking rates, the businesses in the International District have been having a hard time. A return to the 6 p.m. cut off time of 2011 would help greatly.
2. A cleaner ID.
3. An Asian and Pacific American Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.
4. An Asian and Pacific American Justice on Washington State’s Supreme Court.
5. More Asian and Pacific Americans and people of color in cabinet-level positions in Washington State. It shouldn’t be difficult. Washington State has 29 departments that need heads, many of which have had minority leaders before. We hope for at least five department heads of color and three of Asian or Pacific descent.
6. An APA on the University of Washington Board of Regents. There are 10 regents but only one person of color, Joanne Harrell.
7. A jump in business in the ID.
8. More APA involvement in politics. We want to see more APA candidates, a stronger, more united APA base and more APA youth volunteering.
9. More businesses that aren’t restaurants. We need to diversify to help the state’s economy and our community. The more restaurants we have, the more we compete with each other. We also want to see better marketing, not driven by low prices and bad quality but reasonable prices, a good atmosphere and high quality. Also, cleaner bathrooms.
10. More philanthropy. We urge the community to give back as much as they can, because a stronger community is better for all of us. (end)