The night of Nov. 6 was not just a big night for Asian and Pacific Americans nationally. It was also a big night for APAs at the state level.
Democrat Rep. Bob Hasegawa, who is currently a State Representative for Position 1 in Legislative District 11, beat out Republican Kristin Thompson in the State Senator race for 11th LD, 69%–30%. As representative, he sat on committees for ways and means, higher education, rules, technology, energy, and communications.
Cindy Ryu successfully defended her Washington House of Representatives seat from challenger Randy J. Hayden, winning the race to represent the 32nd LD, 72%–28%. She currently sits on the committees for business and financial services, community and economic development and housing rules, and transportation.
Finally, Cyrus Habib took the open seat in the 48th LD, formerly held by Rep. Deb Eddy, beating out Hank Meyers 61%–39%. Habib, who is Iranian and legally blind, is currently a technology lawyer. (end)