Performance by the Taiko School (Photo from Uwajimaya Inc.)
Uwajimaya Seattle hosted an outdoor Natsu Matsuri festival as part of Uwajimaya’s Polynesian Weekend on August 18 and 19. The festival included music, hula dance and taiko performances, food booths, children’s games, and more.
Vendors, customers, and employees were invited to participate in a cheesecake eating contest. Isao Seriguchi of Uwajimaya vendor Aijinomoto Inc. was the winner of the cheesecake eating contest. Other Uwajimaya locations celebrated with outdoor Polynesian music festivals, featuring performances by Hawaiian DJs Manono, Uncle Gregg, and Keiki Hula, the Ora Nui Tahitian Dance Troupe, Elmonica Polynesian Dancers, and more. (end)