Nikkei Concerns celebrated the completion of the Seattle Keiro Garden Project on July 14 with major donors and community leaders. The celebration also marked the opening of the Seattle Keiro Rehabilitation and Care Center, where the new garden is located. Landscape artist Scott Murase designed the garden to promote a tranquil, safe, and accessible interaction with the outdoors for the residents. State Rep. Sharon Tamiko Santos, Kiyokazu Ota, the Consul General of Japan in Seattle, and Ted Tomita, Nikkei Concerns Board President, attended the event, which included blessings from Reverend Derek Nakano of Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church and Reverend Yuren Tai of Seattle Koyasan Buddhist Temple. A Shinto Ceremony was performed by Reverend Koichi Barrish of Tsubaki Grand Shrine of America, and a taiko performance was given by O.K.K. Taiko. Seattle Keiro Rehabilitation and Care Center and the garden is located on 1601 E. Yesler Way. (end)
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