Kaohsiung YMCA Youth Program (Photo by Seattle YMCA)
On April 14, a group of high school teens from the greater Seattle area packed their bags for the kick-off of YMCA’s new Global Teen Program. The new program takes place in Seattle’s sister city, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Participants in the program will work with various social youth agencies. They will partake in cultural visits around the country in a 14-day Taiwan experience.
The YMCA of Greater Seattle launched the Global Teen Program with the goal of youth development in leadership, service, discovery, and connection. As one of the nation’s leading nonprofits, the YMCA has expanded its program with partner YMCAs in Asia, Latin America, and Africa aimed at encouraging teen leadership regarding issues facing youth around the world. The YMCA’s Taiwan program is the newest addition to this program.
Global Teens meet for one week in June to learn about the culture, history, language, and customs of the country they will visit. During the program, the YMCA’s host country will provide teens with home stays and teen service activities. A two-week additional pre-trip will be offered for additional culture and language training. The YMCA Global Teen Program also offers programs in other countries including Thailand, China, Japan, and Korea. (end)
Contact Monica Quill Kusakabe (mkusakabe@seattleymca.org) for an application, or to help support this program.