By Assunta Ng
The guest list of Ruthann Kurose’s surprise 60th birthday party was a Who’s Who in politics. The party was held at the house of former Mayor Norm Rice and his wife, Constance.
Ruthann and daughter Mika, arrived at the same time as King County Executive Dow Constantine. It almost blew the surprise. Luckily, Mika drove the car in another direction.
Former Gov. Mike Lowry, Seattle City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen, former Supreme Court Justice Bobbe Bridge, U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkin, Rear Admiral Herb Bridge, Obama 2008 campaign co-chair Helen Howe, and other politicians hopped in and out.
Among the unsung heroes at the event were Debbie Bird and Dr. Sheila Edwards Lange.
I could smell the hum bow at the party, which were made in Chinatown. Something else was cooking in the kitchen — a candidate for the Secretary of State perhaps. Secretary Sam Reed has announced that he’s not running for re-election. How about a new secretary of state who happens to be an Asian American? Stay tuned. ♦