To the Editor:
I, for one, was dumbfounded to have read in heavy print, NW Asian Weekly Publisher’s blog, “Please Speak English, Not Chinese!” (in last week’s March 12–18 issue).
Indeed, all Washingtonians, especially Chinese, are rejoicing to have President Obama nominating a 100 percent Chinese-blooded ABC (America Born Chinese) to be the next ambassador to China next month, pending approval. However, Mr. Locke not being able to speak Chinese is a lament. …
[These days,] the Department of Defense, Education, State Department, and Central Intelligence Agency all are crying for second language globalization. [Knowing] English only, without a second or third language, will not prepare our younger generation to become world competitors.Thus, to have readers to find, in the last paragraph in the publisher’s blog, [stating that Locke’s inability to speak Mandarin is actually a strength] is absolutely not in line with a publication that promotes Asian culture and understanding.
I strongly believe the opposite. [I believe] Gary and Mona Locke will soon pick up private tutorship in Chinese conversation, followed by Chinese reading and writing.
Speaking English, not Chinese, can be their guarded regret [instead].
— Maria L. Koh, Seattle