For those of you who did not received any card or gift from your boyfriend or husband on Valentine’s Day, get over it. You don’t need one.
Every year, I create my own celebration. I buy gifts for myself and make dinner reservation for my family on Valentine’s Day. And I have a ball. No, I don’t want my husband to buy me flowers or jewelry. The fellow is a nice guy, but he has poor taste. I’d rather be honest than let him waste money on the wrong gifts. This year, I picked an orchid plant, and he was more than willing to pay for it.
Friends who don’t know us always make assumptions. “Your husband bought you this gorgeous ring?”
Nope, I did. I make my own money and am proud to have the financial resources to pay for it. The best part is, I don’t need to ask for approval from anyone (though to be fair, the money is from the same family pot. It’s his and mine).
Ladies, treat yourself and celebrate whenever you want. You are your own boss. You deserve it.
You would presume that my son is like his dad. Glad to say, he is the opposite. I did receive a beautiful bouquet from him. Some years, he would give me chocolate. His preschool teacher taught his class to make Valentine’s gifts for moms when he was only 5. He restarted this ritual when he was 14. It has been my joy every year on Valentine’s Day and the envy of my girlfriends. ♦