In 1991, Dr. Fred Cordova, co-founder of the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS), celebrated the first Filipino American History Month in October. Eighteen years later, in 2009, the United States Congress adopted October as Filipino American History Month.
This year, with Rey Pascua’s leadership, the Washington State House of Representatives passed a resolution making the celebration official.
In Seattle, the Filipino Community of Seattle (FCS) Kultura Arts Program, with funding from the Seattle Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs, will present “Words and Works Expressed — Filipino Artists and Writers” on Friday, Oct. 15, at the Filipino Community Center at 5740 Martin Luther King Way South.
The “Alay Sa (Offerings For) Beloved Community” evening will have several parts, including:
The FCS Art Gallery Exhibit, which will feature five Northwest Filipino artists who are photographers or employ photographs in their works. James Ardena, Joysha Fajardo, Melissa Nolledo, Carina del Rosario, and Joseph Songco will display their works between Oct. 21 and Nov. 22 at the community’s FCS Art Gallery.
The 5th annual Words and Works Expressed, which will feature four published and prominent writers, including Rick Barot, Rebecca Mabanglo-Mayor, Oliver de la Paz, Michelle Penaloza, and Geronimo Tagatac. ♦