Editor’s note: This story was written by a high school student in Northwest Asian Weekly Foundation’s Summer Youth Leadership Program. This story is part of a special back-to-school issue.
By Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee
The Haiti earthquake helped people around the world realize that they need to come together in order to help Haiti get through this tragedy. It made millions of families come together to donate things that can help Haiti recover.
Some of the ways in which people are helping is by starting fundraisers. Celebrities performed songs about Haiti’s troubles and how they can bring life and peace back into Haiti.
Many people don’t know that by donating a couple of dollars, you can really help the people of Haiti in many ways, such as providing them with clean water, food, and shelter. Donations help them survive long enough so they can get back on their feet.
In my personal opinion, I think that the tragedy helped many people realize that they are not so different from each other and that they need to help anyone that needs it, even if they are not of the same skin color.
I also think it shows that people who have more should realize that they are the same as the people who lose things. We are all the same inside, even though we don’t look like each other.
The Haiti earthquake triggered a change of heart for many people who used to only care about themselves. They also show that they are willing to give back to the world. ♦