Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn and the Seattle City Council are seeking candidates to serve on the Seattle Immigrant and Refugee Advisory Board. This board was created as a result of the City’s 2007 Immigrant and Refugee Report and Action Plan.
Board members are appointed for two-year terms, with the option of re-appointment for another term. And they are required to be in keeping with the city’s paper reduction program, so electronic submissions are preferred.
The duties of the Immigrant and Refugee Advisory Board include advising the mayor, City Council, city departments and offices, and city government, and encouraging understanding between and among the various immigrant and refugee communities and the larger Seattle community.
To be considered, send a letter of interest and resume by July 30 to
To send a paper application, address it to: Yemane Gebremicael, Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, Immigrant and Refugee Advisory Board, P.O. Box 94649, Seattle, WA 98124-4649.
In lieu of a resume, applicants may submit a summary document with name, address, contact information, employment history, volunteer experience, and a statement describing why they want to serve on the advisory board. ♦