When the conflict over censorship between China and Google broke out in January, I asked a Microsoft executive about his thoughts on the issue. He said Google will most likely pull out of China since its Chinese market is minor compared to Google’s global market share.
Sometimes, it’s not so much about money, but the impact of your business that matters. My new friend, a Chinese attorney, was concerned that Google will quit on China.
She said many attorneys including doctors, academicians, and researchers in China rely on Google heavily. That’s their way to connect with the outside world. They don’t use other search engines, she said.
Google’s latest move is to skip China and direct users to Hong Kong. Does it really solve the problem? China is not going to let Google slap its face. Remember, China hires thousands of hackers. And Hong Kong belongs to China. Guess who has the final say.
But Google will not do nothing with all those geniuses at work 24/7. Let’s see what’s going to happen in the next round. The game is exciting to watch! ♦