Since late January, the city has reported a marked increase in graffiti tags on public and private property. The city requires property or business owners to promptly remove graffiti from their buildings within 10 days.
The Chinatown-International District Business Improvement Area (CIDBIA) does record tags and will remove or paint out tags on private property if they are given a signed permission by the property or business owner.
This service is restricted to painted surfaces 10 feet or lower. This excludes painting porous surfaces, brick, or cement requiring special processes exceeding the skills and equipment of the CIDBIA staff.
CIDBIA uses city-provided gray, white, or brown paint but property owners may match existing paint color if they provide CIDBIA with the paint. CIDBIA can also put owners in touch with graffiti removal companies. ♦
For more information, e-mail Meriberth Ellis, executive director of CIDBIA at