To the Editor:
[I] read the [Associated Press] article, “China–Guinea deal highlights Africa business ties,” by Christopher Bodeen. [I am] very sorry for the content of that article for the following reasons: [the] article shows that China has joined in on the rape of Africa and [its] murder [and] demise.As an Afro-American man, this greatly saddened me. I had hoped China would gain access to the resources of Africa by recruiting [its people] to reverse the past hundreds of years of enslavement by white people (Europeans, Americans, and Australians).
Recall that the entire world was besieged by whites just over 100 years ago. Islanders (Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans) and Indians (of the Americans) were wiped out. Asia was eventually rescued by Ghandi, Mao, Aquino, and Ho.
Africa needs a savior to rescue us, and I’m sorry [but] we must be rescued from China!
— Peter C. Thurman, Port Orchard