Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc. (LEAP) recently unveiled the findings of its 2009 Corporate Governance Report measuring Asian Pacific American (APA) inclusion on the boards of Fortune 100 companies. Seventy-six percent of Fortune 100 companies lack Asian Pacific American representation on their boards.
“Despite social, business, and economic rise, Asian Pacific Americans remain absent from corporate boardrooms,” said J.D. Hokoyama, LEAP’s president and CEO. “This is an issue we hope to address fully in 2010 as part of our long-term strategy on research into APA representation in top leadership roles in the public, private, foundation, education, and nonprofit sectors.
The report shows that this year (2009), only 23 Asian Pacific Americans hold 27 board seats at 24 companies in the Fortune 100. APAs constitute more than 5 percent of the U.S. population and more than $500 billion in purchasing power. ♦
To view the full report, visit www.leap.org.