Almost 70 percent of workers in the landscaping trade are non-English speakers, according to the Washington Association of Landscape Professionals. To reach this audience, Seattle Public Utilities conducts annual green gardening workshops in Spanish and Vietnamese to teach landscaping professionals how to use environmentally-friendly landscaping and yard care techniques.
The hands-on workshops cover a variety of green gardening techniques that emphasize preventative practices and ways to decrease the use of chemicals. Practicing these landscaping techniques can help protect the environment and give landscape professionals a competitive edge in the Northwest and beyond.
A free workshop for Vietnamese speakers will be held on Friday, Oct. 30, at Rainier Vista Community Center.
A workshop for Spanish speakers will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 4, at South Seattle Community College
The Green Gardening Program is funded by the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program in King County and managed by Seattle Public Utilities. ♦
For more information, call Gwen at 206-449-1101.