By Alan Leung
SYLP student
I peer from across the room and see my friend sitting near the window and reading a book. I notice that she has started to break out a little and has a stain on her sweater. Her socks are mismatched. She has a patch of dry skin on her hand, which bothers me.
She looks up and smiles at me.
Everything I just saw from before withers away, and the only thing that matters is that amazing smile.
Every day, people are judge based on looks and style but not their personalities. I’ve heard countless people idolize others who wear fresh clothes and nice shoes even though their personalities are worth less than a penny.
Guys like to date girls that are hot and beautiful because they’re hot and beautiful. It’s partly because friends would make fun of the guy who had an ugly girlfriend.
There are few people that look past the outer appearance and embrace the inner one.
But who is to say someone is beautiful or ugly?
Countless people are not at the standard of beauty, but they have amazing personalities. Both men and women need to see that beauty doesn’t always mean they look good. You can be in a relationship with a girl or guy and not know a thing about them.
Find time to get to know your friends and see which ones are your true friends and which ones have the potential to become more in your life. Only then can you truly find and fall in love.
Next time you consider dating someone, try getting to know them instead of focusing on what they wear. ♦
Alan Leung can be reached at
(The stories in this issue are written by SYLP students, not Northwest Asian Weekly staff. Opinions herein do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the newspaper.)