On June 23, Rep. Jim McDermott readdressed the Justice for Wards Cove Workers Act, HR 3038, to correct the violation of civil rights for Filipino workers at a Seattle fish processing plant.
In the 1970s, Wards Cove Packing Company, owner of Alaskan Salmon canneries, was sued by its workers for being discriminatory in their hiring process.
Workers believe Wards Cove was giving skilled jobs more often to whites and unskilled jobs to nonwhites, mostly Native Alaskans and Filipinos. The Supreme Court ruled against the workers.
McDermott is currently bringing new attention to this injustice. He said, “When a few Seattle residents of Filipino descent are singled out from protection by the Civil Rights Act of 1991, every American is at risk.” ♦
For more information visit www.house.gov/mcdermott.