Guests and speakers at Qwest’s APA month event, from left to right: Stella Leong (PAAN President), Joyce Zhou (ACRS), Janette de Leon, Diane Narasaki (ACRS), and Jane Nishita
Qwest kicked off Asian Pacific Heritage Month event at the Bell Plaza building in downtown Seattle. Sponsored by Qwest’s Pacific Asian American Network (PAAN), a resource group of Qwest employees, the event featured guest speakers Diane Narasaki and Joyce Zhou from the Asian Counseling and Referral Service (ACRS). Approximately 60 employees were treated to a catered Asian lunch.
Qwest employees are looking forward to its team walking in the upcoming WALK FOR RICE on June 20. The walk will benefit ACRS’s food bank.
PAAN’s mission is to advance the pluralistic values and vision of Qwest and its subsidiaries by providing the Asian/ Pacific Islander perspective to issues and opportunities that promote excellence in the marketplace, the community, and the corporation.