Seattle Central Community College student Kimdung Nguyen receiving the Fred G. Birdsall Memorial Scholarship from donors Margaret Birdsall and her husband Steve Bauck. In the background (from left) is college President Dr. Mildred Ollée and the Foundation board’s Vice President of finance and President-elect Antoinette Malveaux.
Seattle Central Community College Foundation’s 30th Anniversary Scholarship Awards Ceremony honored more than 150 scholarship recipients from 30 areas of study, Oct. 8.
This year scholarships totaling nearly $394,000 were awarded to 154 new and returning students. A total of 176 awards were granted from 51 different scholarships.
“Our scholarship recipients inspire us,” said Darlene Suyematsu, executive director of the Seattle Central Community College Foundation. “Many are the first in their families to seek higher education, are recent immigrants, exhibit extraordinary leadership or have overcome incredible personal obstacles.” ♦