Mayumi Tsutakawa has racked up a large number of achievements during a career spanning several different fields. Straight out of grad school, she became the first Asian American female reporter at a daily newspaper in the Seattle area. She later wrote and edited several anthologies, including the first anthology of Asian American women’s writings.
On being a pioneer, Tsutakawa said, “I hope that being named a pioneer is only a euphemism for noting that some of us have been doing this work for a long time … in support of self-empowerment for the API community … and that we encourage others to do it too!” ♦
Meet Mayumi Tsutakawa on Oct. 11 at China Harbor Restaurant, 2040 Westlake Ave. N., Seattle. She is one of Northwest Asian Weekly’s nine honorees for the Asian American Pioneer Dinner. See ad on page 2 for details.