As the publisher of Sasquatch Books, Gary Luke feels a sense of honor and responsibility to make his company an outlet for diverse perspectives.
“Whoever decides what gets published is, in many ways, acting as a gatekeeper. I think the culture is better served by more varied gatekeepers,” said Luke.
And in a world driven by the Internet, Luke says he doesn’t feel threatened.
“It’s less about the books and more about the reading,” he said. “At some point I’m sure much of reading will take place on some device, and that would be fine as long as people are reading. The thing is that when people stop reading, then you’re in trouble.” ♦
Meet Gary Luke on Oct. 11 at China Harbor Restaurant, 2040 Westlake Ave. N., Seattle. He is one of Northwest Asian Weekly’s nine honorees for the Asian American Pioneer Dinner. See ad on page 2 for details.