A woman asks her husband to water her plants while she is on vacation. When she returns home, she finds that all her plants are dead. No one knows why this occurs.
I am my father’s son, but I am no pilgrim
To my white friends, I’m an Asian American. To my family in China, I’m an American-born Chinese (ABC). These labels somehow make me different to them and will never allow me to fully be either one.
Asians, embrace your uniqueness
Being a typical Chinese who immigrated to the “land of the free” two years ago and unable to speak English fluently, ignorance and isolation are what I usually experience from others.
Look beyond stereotypes and find individuality
When encountering an Asian American student at school, non-Asian students likely develop common stereotypes concerning that person. They might assume that the Asian American student possesses an exceptional talent for math and science. They might also assume that the student has difficulty speaking English.
The upside of laughing
A couple of laughs is good enough for some people, but in current economic times with all the depressing and angering events going on, you might want to add a few more laughs.
De-stress by taking a stroll
While each of us continue to take steps on this little journey we call life, we forget the simple things around us during the course of our daily routines. People are so caught up in trying to achieve in school, work, and the future that they sacrifice their own free time.
Stop procrastinating: Do something today!
What is procrastination? You can say that it’s just a bad habit, like biting your nails.
Education … say what?
We are in school for all the wrong reasons.
As student loans dry up, the competition builds
When you were in middle school, where did you want to go to college? Did you consider the costs of attending one of the top schools in America?
Fire a teacher for being bad? We can’t.
As the U.S. economy continues to decline and Obama’s stimulus package continues to be given as bonuses to top CEOs, the Seattle Public Schools (SPS) is feeling the crunch.