By Assunta Ng

Photo by John Liu/NWAW
On Oct. 5, the day we celebrated the Northwest Asian Weekly’s 30th anniversary, one of my staff members bought me a hot pot with lobster and rice and lobster soup with mustard greens and tofu for lunch. She knew I wouldn’t have time to eat at the event, so she ordered the hot pot to go from Tea Garden on Rainier Avenue South.
I quickly ate a few bites and went back to work on the gala. The majority of the food was left in the fridge, and over the next two days, I had lobster leftovers for lunch. Each day, it tasted better. Strange, but true!
You might not consider leftovers desirable. However, it was the best meal I have eaten in a month. The lobster actually tasted better after its flavors had blended into the rice. I microwaved the entire plate and the aroma completely filled the room.
Tea Garden does lobsters well. Several months ago, the NWAW staff went to Tea Garden for lobsters steamed with garlic. All my guests gave a thumbs up after the meal. (end)