ICHS’s team members administer tests at their Eastside free high-volume test site (Photo from ICHS’s Instagram)
On Dec. 15, International Community Health Services (ICHS) launched the first free high-volume test site in the Eastside in an expanding effort to control the spread of COVID-19 in east King County and along the I-90 corridor, as local cases continue to spike. Nearly 600 people registered for a test on its first day. About 25 ICHS team members were on-site to ensure a successful opening.
The test site is operated by ICHS and hosted by Bellevue College, with support from King County and the City of Bellevue. It is located at Bellevue College, 2645 145th Ave. S.E., Bellevue.
The entrance is on 148th Ave. S.E. Drive-thru and limited walk-up testing is available. The test site is available via the 221, 226, 228, 245, and 271 bus lines.